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DemonsbanePortada.jpgPortada de Demonsbane
Escritor(es): Robert B. Marks
Artista(s): Desconocido
Páginas: 121
Editorial: Simon & Schuster
Publicado: 31 de octubre de 2000
Precio: 5.99$
Formato(s): EBook, archivo
ISBN 10: 0743418999
ISBN 13: 9780743418997

Demonsbane es una novela oficial de Diablo, escrita por Robert B. Marks y publicada el 31 de octubre de 2000.[1]

Descripción[editar | editar código]

Since the beginning of time, the angelic hosts of the High Heavens and the demonic hordes of the Burning Hells have been locked in a struggle for the fate of all creation. That struggle has now come to the mortal realm... and neither Man nor Demon nor Angel will be left unscathed...

What was to have been a victorious last stand against the demonic invasion of Entsteig has instead become a massacre. Only Siggard remains, a warrior unable to remember the final hours of the battle, driven by the carnage he experienced and the void in his mind to avenge those slain by the army of darkness. As he hunts the demon lord who butchered everything dear to him, Siggard also pieces together the truth of that terrible battle... and finds that his nightmare is only just beginning.[1]

Referencias[editar | editar código]

v · d · e Libros
Novelas: (DemonsbaneLegacy of BloodThe Black RoadThe Kingdom of Shadow) — Archivo
The Sin War — (BirthrightScales of the SerpentThe Veiled Prophet) — Archivo
Moon of the SpiderLa OrdenTormenta de Luz
Cómics: Tales of Sanctuary — (RageThe Hand of NazHatred's Bride)
Sword of Justice12345
Relatos cortos: (Odio y disciplinaEl caminanteInquebrantableEl caminante de las dudasLuciérnaga) — Lucha contra la oscuridad
Otros: El Libro de CaínEl Libro de TyraelThe Art of Diablo III
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